Buy your Senior Ads Here!
Senior Portraits
or call Fox Mar at 305.596.1750 to schedule an appointment.
Required attire: Male students should bring a dress shirt, jacket and tie. Female students will wear a black drape provided by the photographer.
All senior yearbook portraits must be scheduled by Saturday, Dec. 10th.
Senior Dedication Pages
Reserve your own space in the yearbook by purchasing a personal Senior Dedication Page! Personal pages are a great way to include your own memorable photos and a special quote or dedication.
To purchase a full- or half-page in your child's yearbook, please visit, and enter Gulliver Prep in the search bar. Then, select Gulliver Prep - 12th Grade Ads to begin placing your order.
A full-page holds a maximum of eight photos and can be purchased for $370. A half-page holds a maximum of five photos and can be purchased for $190.The yearbook staff will design your page according to the yearbook's design theme.
Please ensure your digital photos are sharp, clear and of good quality. If your original photos are in a printed format, please scan them at “high resolution” or 300 dpi.
To ensure proper processing, all materials (photos and text) must be submitted at the time of payment.
Photos that include material not in compliance with our Student Code of Conduct will not be used (i.e. unapproved clothing or activities; advertising/promoting alcohol, drug or tobacco products; pictures/graphics of material protected by copyright law such as logos, college symbols, song lyrics, etc). The Code of Conduct can be found in the Family-Student Handbook.
Due to publisher deadlines, the yearbook staff cannot accept any senior pages after December 19th.