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Buy your Senior Ads Here!

Senior Portraits

or call Fox Mar at 305.596.1750 to schedule an appointment.

Required attire: Male students should bring a dress shirt, jacket and tie. Female students will wear a black drape provided by the photographer.

All senior yearbook portraits must be scheduled by Saturday, Dec. 10th.

Senior Dedication Pages

Reserve your own space in the yearbook by purchasing a personal Senior Dedication Page! Personal pages are a great way to include your own memorable photos and a special quote or dedication.


  • To purchase a full- or half-page in your child's yearbook, please visit, and enter Gulliver Prep in the search bar.  Then, select Gulliver Prep - 12th Grade Ads to begin placing your order.

  • A full-page holds a maximum of eight photos and can be purchased for $370. A half-page holds a maximum of five photos and can be purchased for $190.The yearbook staff will design your page according to the yearbook's design theme.

  • Please ensure your digital photos are sharp, clear and of good quality. If your original photos are in a printed format, please scan them at “high resolution” or 300 dpi.

  • To ensure proper processing, all materials (photos and text) must be submitted at the time of payment.

  • Photos that include material not in compliance with our Student Code of Conduct will not be used (i.e. unapproved clothing or activities; advertising/promoting alcohol, drug or tobacco products; pictures/graphics of material protected by copyright law such as logos, college symbols, song lyrics, etc). The Code of Conduct can be found in the Family-Student Handbook.

Due to publisher deadlines, the yearbook staff cannot accept any senior pages after December 19th.

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